Did no one else help? 38 degrees and claiming to play nicely with others.

During the recent #ecfdebate, David Babbs of 38 degrees and I had a brief discussion about metrics, and I used the example of inclusion of organisations in their mailout as an example of 38 degrees focussing on the wrong thing. Micah White from Adbusters talked well about metrics, I talked about press releases and substantive content of messages.

I repeated the question I asked on the ECF list: “Did no one else help?”

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posted: 14 Apr 2011

Considering the other 322 degrees in the pie-chart of everyone.

A minor storm in the teacup of the campaining-twitterverse picked up this week, with Malcolm Gladwell talking about the lack of effectiveness of twitter (http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/10/04/101004fa_fact_gladwell) and Read more…

posted: 30 Sep 2010